Adding a WooCommerce wishlist plugin brings numerous benefits to your store. It helps you reduce the cart abandonment rate, enhances your customers’ involvement in your shop or increases the engagement time. But what would you say if it could also track your customers’ wishlist content, have access to data on product analytics and send promotional emails?
Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce
Allow customers to save their favorite products for later. Gain their loyalty and boost your sales. Make customers want to come back to shop on your site.
💾 Active Installations: 800+ since Apr '22
WordPress Rating:
- Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce plugin
- WooCommerce wishlists PRO
- Most popular - track wishlist content
- All wishlists - insight into your customer wishlists
- Promotions - Create promotional emails
- Summary - useful links
1. Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce plugin
Flexible Wishlist: free WooCommerce wishlist plugin - feature overwiev and quick introduction
2. WooCommerce wishlists PRO
Having installed the free wishlist plugin, it’s time to try the wishlist PRO plugin out! It is fast, intuitive and doesn’t slow your store down. Additionally, it is compatible with any theme and offers a sea of opportunities, which can effectively increase your sales.
Flexible Wishlist PRO - Analytics & Emails basically centralizes its focus on three powerful features:
- Tracking customers' wishlists' content
- Identifying most frequently added products
- Creating and sending promotional e-mails out
3. Most popular - track wishlist content
This feature compiles information about all products added to all wishlists created by users in your WooCommerce store.

In addition to that, it includes stock information of every product added to the wish list, which will be a great help if you will want to change the price of a particular product.
What's more, you can also use the given filters, that is to say: stock status, product added after [date] and product added before [date] and browse the same data concerning popular tags and categories.

To make your marketing actions easier, in this view we have included a direct button to create a promotion for a product, category or tag. All you have to do is select the categories, tags or products you want to include in the campaign and start creating the promotional email. You can find more about it in this paragraph.
4. All wishlists - insight into your customer wishlists
Take a look at all wishlists ever created in your store.

See how many products are on each of the wishlists ever created in your store. A high number of added products may indicate that the user has thoroughly familiarized himself with your store's catalog. However, if he or she has not made a purchase, it may be a signal for you to consider helping him or her make a purchase decision.

If you decide to take up marketing actions, these two columns will be quite important in this. Here you can see if a user has already received a promotional email from you and when it has been sent for the last time. If you consider that it's been a long time since the last promotion, or that the user hasn't received any promotional email from you yet, you can create one by clicking on the Create promotion button.
5. Promotions - Create promotional emails
Yes, you’ve got it right. Flexible Wishlist PRO - Analytics & Emails allows you not only to create promotional email templates, but also to send them out. A promotional email can be sent to all users with a certain wishlist item, or only to specific users.

Firstly, before creating a promotional email, you can choose from a bunch of available filters to choose. Secondly, select the target of the promotion. You can select specific wishlist users or focus on wish lists that contain specific products, product categories or their tags that you specify. If these filters are not enough, you can narrow down the promotional email recipients to specific email addresses. Moreoever, we provide also you with a date filter - that is, you can select a specific date when the wishlist was created (especially useful during hot periods such as Christmas or Black Friday), the date when the last promotion was sent to the user, or the number of products that are on the wishlist.

6. Summary - useful links
- Flexible Wishlist PRO - Analytics & Emails is a life changer, if you are using the free version of the plugin and need a marketing analytics tool. Moreover, will boost your sales in no time.
Flexible Wishlist PRO - Analytics & Emails £59
Allow customers save their favorite products for later and identify the most popular products by tracking wishlists' content. Create and send promotional e-mails. Stay one step ahead of your customers' needs and meet their demands.
💾 Active Installations: 1,000+ | WordPress Rating:
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