We earn money and we spend money. The biggest part of our spending consists of things we just buy for ourselves. But we do like spending money on others - friends, relatives, and loved ones. The best presents are personalized ones. Read this article to learn how to add a gift message option to your ...
WooCommerce product fields
Custom fields can help add extra options for WooCommerce products. Using attributes and variations may not be enough for advanced product pages.
In this category, you can read how to add custom product fields in WooCommerce. It’s possible to show text fields, checkboxes, select, radio (also with images or colors), headings, paragraphs, time, color, etc.
What’s more, there is an option to set prices for specific product add-ons. Or show custom fields based on conditions for even more advanced WooCommerce products.
You may read how to customize WooCommerce products with custom fields in the blog posts. Also, see the product customizer (before you consider hiring a designer).
Flexible Product Fields FREE →
Flexible Product Fields PRO WooCommerce →
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How to add gift wrapping option to WooCommerce products
Gift wrapping is a simple add-on that you can use in your shop. Not only does it make your store's brand more customer friendly, but it will also let you make more money. Gift wrapping boosts sales but it also provides a profit margin of about 50% per item. In this article, you’ll learn how to add ...
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