Plugin settings
In the settings (after logging into the admin panel > Settings > Flexible Cookies)of the plugin, we have the possibility to select individual settings. You can move freely between the general settings, the appearance settings, the cookie categories or the cookie scanner.
General settings
Enable/disable the cookie bar - this option is responsible for displaying the bar on the homepage. If you want the bar to be displayed when you enter the page, select the option.
Simple cookie bar - with this option, the visitor will only be shown information on the use of cookies, without the possibility to set their preferences.
Block cookies before accepting - enabling this option will block cookies from each category before the user selects options or changes preferences. The exception to this is categories marked as required. Cookies from these categories will not be blocked by this option.
Message about cookies - allows you to define the message that displays on the page. You can edit it according to your preferences by formatting the code. You can, for example, add a link to the privacy policy or shop rules here.
Automatically accept cookies - when this option is ticked, we will see a box with a time to complete, after which the storing of cookies will be automatically accepted (the default is 5 seconds).
Automatically accept cookies on scroll - when checked, if the user starts scrolling the page - cookies will automatically be accepted.
This is what the appearance settings window looks like.
Cookie bar - here you will find the settings for the cookie bar. You can change the text colour, the background colour and the width of the bar.
After unchecking the full width option, you have the option to define the appearance of the bar as below :
Preferences window - in this tab you can specify the colour scheme for the user's preference selection.
Custom CSS - in this field you can add your own style for the plug-in.
In this tab, you have the option to define :
- whether a category is required (except for essentials),
- Format the description to be displayed on the page,
- add your own cookies,
- enable or disable the category.
Cookie scanner
The "Cookie Scanner" tab will help you find the cookies present on your site and will tell you which category they can be assigned to. The content of the list is refreshed each time you navigate to the selected page in the preview. The list with found cookies consists of 3 columns:
- Checkbox column. Deselecting the checkbox will ensure that the assigned cookie is not stored in the categories.
- The name of the cookie.
- Category selection field for the cookie. The field suggests the category of the cookie by default if it is in the database of predefined cookies.
Once saved, the selected cookies will be placed in the corresponding categories under the "Cookies categories" tab.
Cookie Storage Duration
The Flexible Cookies plugin stores cookies accepted by the user for a period of 30 days. After this period, the cookies are automatically deleted.