In this beginners guide we shall discuss email settings. How important it is to inform customers of order status, I probably don’t have to tell you. For user to have a sense of control over his order, what’s necessary is to guarantee flawless communication. The best way to do this remains through ...
WooCommerce User & Customer Accounts - Configuration Guide
Account settings in WooCommerce are frequently skipped by the sellers. However, they are as important as all the others, so there is no point in marginalizing them. On the contrary, configuring user & customer accounts in WooCommerce may increase your sales! Adding WooCommerce products and a ...
How to Configure WooCommerce Taxes a Complete Tutorial
Taxes are undoubtedly a challenge for many people. WooCommerce Taxes configuration is not much complicated and certainly this tutorial will make it easier. Briefly speaking, the task comes down to setting the tax display and adding the right tax rates. Enable WooCommerce Taxes In order to ...
The Ultimate Guide to WooCommerce Shipping
Shipping is an immensely crucial option that we offer our clients. It's been our competitive advantage and it may be the decisive part of a client's decision to purchase. We have already configured many things, but there are more steps ahead. At the moment, we will be focusing on the settings in the ...
3 tried-and-tested ways to add a VAT Number (EU VAT) field in WooCommerce
How can we enable clients to enter VAT Number in the WooCommerce checkout form? This guide will provide you with 3 ways of adding the EU VAT Number field in WooCommerce. Selling in the European Union is very specific, mostly because of the legal aspects. WooCommerce sometimes does not take ...
Flexible Pricing - Dynamic Discounts for WooCommerce
WooCommerce is a really useful tool for managing a store. It has such marketing features as, for example, coupons. However, after a while, this may not be enough. What's next, you may ask? Would you like to have the option of giving out discounts in real time and making them, shall we say, more ...
Why is WooCommerce so popular? Infographic for celebrating WooCommerce 2.6
Why do users love WooCommerce? Probably because it's easy, useful and user-friendly. Instead of millions of features, there are millions of downloads. Do we need to say more? Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here's our infographic on the global popularity of WooCommerce. See for yourself ...
The most flexible Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce
WooCommerce is a very useful online sales tool. Anyone who has had any contact with it will tell you how easy to use it is and how friendly the interface is (it's particularly effortless for those who have been using WordPress). However in time, WooCommerce users might start to miss many ...
How to conditionally assign shipping to payment methods in WooCommerce
I'd like the clients who've chosen Free shipping to get Cash and Bank transfer payment methods only. However, the clients who've chosen a courier should be able to pay using Bank transfer, Cash, as well as online transfers. I need the conditional shipping payments. Problem Unfortunately, ...
Flexible Shipping - Find your perfect shipping scenario for WooCommerce
Thanks to the Flexible Shipping WooCommerce plugin you can dynamically calculate shipping costs based on the cart contents (weight, items, totals, shipping classes and more). The plethora of configuration options may seem intimidating at first. I understand it perfectly, which is why I'll show you – ...